joe zieja

This is THE SECRET to Anime Voice Acting

Voice Actor Explains the 2024 SAG AFTRA Video Game Strike

Where is the Most Money in Voice Acting

Can You Start a Voice Acting Career in 2024?

STOP Asking About Full Time Voice Acting!

Top 3 Ways a Voice Actor can PISS OFF their Director

What Voice Acting in Anime Is Like

Why You're Not Booking Voice Acting Jobs

3 Mistakes That DESTROY a Voice Acting Career!

When a Transformer Transforms But You're Inside It

Polygon Said Black Eagles Was Top House In Fire Emblem Three Houses? A Golden Deer Response

Don't Quit Your Day Job!

Learn to Parallel Park PERFECTLY - Lessons from a Voice Actor

Getting Started As a Voice Actor? How GOOD Your Voice is Doesn't Matter!

Voice of Claude Celebrates Five Years of Fire Emblem Three Houses

Build Voice Acting Skills with IMPROV and CHARACTER Lessons!

Why I Turned Down Work as a Voice Actor 43 Times!

My Biggest Voice Acting Mistakes of Last Year

Why A Better Voice Acting Mic Isn't Getting You Booked

How To Spend Your First $500 Of Voice Acting Income

Voice of Claude from Fire Emblem CANCELS KOTAKU!

The Problem with Gatekeeping in the Voice Acting Industry

Mic Positioning: Eat your Lunch, NOT your Microphone

Dimitri's Problem Solving Method - A Parody Voiced by Joe Zieja